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Reiss 2024 - 2025. Ziemassvētku koncerts / Рейс 2024 - 2025. Рождественский концерт

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Waiting for a holiday is usually a pleasure: you can fanеasize, anticipating what the celebration will be like, or lose yourself in pleasant memories of your favoгrite traditions and heartwarming meetings, or make yourself a special gift... But waiting for departure, when your flight is delayed indefinitely due to weather conditions, is somehoe much less inspiring, as a rule.

So what can happen, if you are waiting for a flight and a holiday at the same time? Of course, surprises and unexpected events of all sorts! as well as miracles that would happen only on a Christmas night. For example, several passengers, pilots and flight attendants, who have got stuck at an airport on a Christmas eve due to a blizzard, suddenly... start singing - they sing the very real Christmas and New Year songs we all know and love.

...Passengers, traveling on flight 2019-2020, please, proceed to the gate!


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